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Friday, April 1, 2011

Long Time, No See

Hi there,
    I must apologize for being absent for so long. When I started this blogging venture I knew I would face challenges, but I didn't know they'd all gang up on me at once.  I can't really expect to keep things interesting if I don't post for weeks on end.
    My work world has been demanding a lot of my time and it has been exhausting. I know you all know what that is like..  When feeling stressed, it is more important than ever to find a way to slow down and celebrate the good things in our lives. They are still there, just lurking in the background.
     In the middle of the craziness came a week of school vacation. PHEW!  My daughter and I headed to warmer temperatures and a chance to relax.  Ahhhh! The respite was needed, relaxing and therapeutic.
    I'm happy to say that I'm feeling some of the pressure let up. There always is a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes that tunnel is awfully long!
   We've still been enjoying our weekends in the mountains. Having a place to get away to has kept me going. My husband and I have had some interesting snowmobile rides recently. Two weeks ago we came around a corner and there was a MOOSE in the middle of the trail!  My heart rate got up in a hurry!  Luckily the moose was not very interested in us.  I was able to get many good pictures and because we remained safe, I will consider the moose sighting a positive event. 
  Last weekend we rode our sleds to a deer yard (which is really a sheltered wooded area along a river).  On one of the little camps was a sign that said, "Please feed the deer."  Inside the camp were bags of grain. So, out I came with grain to feed the deer. It was an amazing feeling to have the deer look me in the eye and eat out of my hands!  What lovely and gentle creatures they are.  My husband said that I looked completely happy standing out there, surrounded by 23 deer. He was right. I was. I feel that happiness whenever I think of feeding those deer. I plan to think of that day often!
  So, friends, give yourselves permission to slow down a little. Think of something that makes your heart smile and enjoy the day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A New Tradition, A "New" Tabletop

 Here's the background: When we bought our cabin a few years ago, we discovered that the previous owners had left their dining room table behind. We could see why. While it was sturdy and would seat 8, it really was nothing special. It was not a table I would have chosen, but hey it was free. I knew that in time we would replace the table with something else.
  Who knew that Yahtzee would be a catalyst for change?! After a day of snowmobile riding and a spicy chili dinner, my husband, my son, my son's girlfriend and I all gathered around the ho-hum-nothing-special dining room table for a Yahtzee tournament. My son just has a knack for rolling the dice and he ALWAYS gets yahtzees and leads in the scoring. My husband was struggling with his scores and after several rounds he finally rolled all sixes. He was so excited that he picked up a pen and signed, yes, signed (and dated ) the top of the table!  I was stunned!  When I said, "What are you doing?!" He  replied, "I want to remember the first time I got a yahtzee at camp!"  We were all laughing and it was fun.  At the end of the evening, our son did emerge the victorious winner. He then signed the table as The Champ of Camp for January.
  So, a new tradition has begun: Instead of recording events in a journal, highlights of our times at the cabin will now be recorded on the dining room tabletop. Never, ever would I have guessed that I'd become fond of that table. You know what?  The writing on the table transformed it into something unique and personal. I find it totally endearing. I imagine many other events from our family history will be recorded on that table. Perhaps it will eventually become a treasured family keepsake. Just thinking about our "new" table is making my heart swell with happiness.  That table is now a "keeper".

  Has something simple and unexpected touched your heart and made you smile? I'd love to hear about it.

Have a lovely day!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Meet me in the Mountains

Check out all the snow...and the snowmobile tracks!
 Most winter weekends, you'll find us at our little log cabin.  We call her "The Snow Globe" because she is located in the  western mountains of our state, which is in the snow belt. This little gem of a cabin is perfectly located for us to be surrounded by evergreens and have our privacy, but also situated to give us direct access to the region's snowmobile trails.
  Friday, after work, my husband and I packed up the pooches and headed west. It takes us a little over 3 hours to get to The Snow Globe, but we don't mind the drive. The hectic pace of the work week is left behind.
   It was dark when we arrived at the cabin. We found that the wind had driven drifts of snow up against the garage door and onto the front porch.  Together we shoveled away the snow. The sky was clear and the stars were twinkling above us. It was peaceful and you know what? The shoveling was a pleasant task. Now that is not something I usually say!
  Once inside we followed our usual tradition of snuggling into our "cabin pants", thermal tops and warm wool socks. Curled up on the leather sofas, with a nice glass of wine meant we had made it to the weekend.
  We snowmobiled on Saturday and Sunday. The temperatures were cold, but we are prepared for that. The trails were smooth and the trees were covered with heavy snow. At times it looked like we were riding through a fairy land.  On our Sunday ride I had an unusual experience. As I was riding along, a deer jumped out of the woods onto the trail in front of me.  Don't worry, I poke along and the deer was at a safe distance ahead of me. That little white-tail trotted happily along and seemed uneffected by my presence. I love wildlife and my heart swelled with joy to be out in the middle of the woods, following this timid creature.  You can't plan for an experience like this. It just happens. I was lucky to be where I was and I celebrated that moment. I also gave thanks that it wasn't a moose that jumped onto the trail!!
  We rode up a mountain to a scenic overlook. The wind was blowing and it was pretty cold, but the views were amazing. The world around us was pristine and peaceful. I wish you could have been there.

    Have you ever been outside, like you were a part of nature and felt completely content?  I would love to hear about your experience.

view from the scenic overlook

Bling a Little Winter Inside

                                              Bark stars with a little shimmer decorate the windows.

 One of  my simple winter pleasures is to see snow sparkling in the sunshine. I love being outside on a day when the sky is a clear, clean blue and the ground is covered with a blanket of white. The sunlight bounces off the snow and it looks like Mother Nature sprinkled some diamond dust just for us. I love that glitter.

I like to "bling" a little of that winter sparkle inside for us to enjoy. My winter decor is simple, with a little bit of sparkle and shine----just enough to keep me smiling.

A little garland of icy sparkle above the mirror dresses up the powder room.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Living in a Snow Globe

One of  the great things about living in Maine is being able to enjoy the four seasons. I love being a part of nature and seeing Mother Nature's handiwork. Winter here is beautiful!  Sure, it can be cold, but bundle up and enjoy the views!