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Friday, April 1, 2011

Long Time, No See

Hi there,
    I must apologize for being absent for so long. When I started this blogging venture I knew I would face challenges, but I didn't know they'd all gang up on me at once.  I can't really expect to keep things interesting if I don't post for weeks on end.
    My work world has been demanding a lot of my time and it has been exhausting. I know you all know what that is like..  When feeling stressed, it is more important than ever to find a way to slow down and celebrate the good things in our lives. They are still there, just lurking in the background.
     In the middle of the craziness came a week of school vacation. PHEW!  My daughter and I headed to warmer temperatures and a chance to relax.  Ahhhh! The respite was needed, relaxing and therapeutic.
    I'm happy to say that I'm feeling some of the pressure let up. There always is a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes that tunnel is awfully long!
   We've still been enjoying our weekends in the mountains. Having a place to get away to has kept me going. My husband and I have had some interesting snowmobile rides recently. Two weeks ago we came around a corner and there was a MOOSE in the middle of the trail!  My heart rate got up in a hurry!  Luckily the moose was not very interested in us.  I was able to get many good pictures and because we remained safe, I will consider the moose sighting a positive event. 
  Last weekend we rode our sleds to a deer yard (which is really a sheltered wooded area along a river).  On one of the little camps was a sign that said, "Please feed the deer."  Inside the camp were bags of grain. So, out I came with grain to feed the deer. It was an amazing feeling to have the deer look me in the eye and eat out of my hands!  What lovely and gentle creatures they are.  My husband said that I looked completely happy standing out there, surrounded by 23 deer. He was right. I was. I feel that happiness whenever I think of feeding those deer. I plan to think of that day often!
  So, friends, give yourselves permission to slow down a little. Think of something that makes your heart smile and enjoy the day!